v10 Update

Please look at the back or underneath your Cable Set Top Box (STB) for the specific manufacturer and model, and also try those codes. Please see attached for the full list. See also the v9.7 update, and the "Common Codes" as well.

STB / Cable boxes:

Altice N8783::  0014

Altice DIW377:: 5304

Altice / Sagemcom DIW 384::  1294

Altice DV8555:: 5304

Altice::  5504, 5514, 5524, 5534, 5184

Arris DCX960::  4464

Bell VIP7802:  3934

Bell Fibe 4K:  3934

CDE Lightband:  2964, 3184

Cogeo Epico:: 4154

eStream / Evoforce / Evolution: (Android TV):  3254, 2564, 2794 

Falcon 3500STB::  4044, 4434

iView 3500 STB::  4044, 4434

Kaon KSTB4252:  0544, 2794

Mediacom:: 0544, 2794

Midcontinent:  2794 

Optimum:  see also Altice / Sagemcom

Sagemcom DIW3930::  4154

Sagemcom UIW387:: 5174

Telus UIW4054:  4154

Visium VSBB100 STB:  2964 or 3184


TuTu:  See RCA in code list

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